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Benefits of Choosing an Airport Taxi Service and Useful Tips for Picking One
  • August 17, 2021
The taxi is still and will likely remain the most comfortable and reliable way of getting around.  This goes especially for long distance rides, like when for example you need to get a Buffalo Airport Taxi to Canada. This being a long trip with a bo...
The Major Benefits of Hiring an Airport Taxi on your way to Quarantine Hotel
  • August 2, 2021
The rules for self quarantine upon returning to Canada by air are still in place and will be for non inoculated travelers for some time. When you are facing this requirement, there are several options for you in terms of how to get there. And we woul...
Steps To Take For A Safe Journey To a Quarantine Center
  • July 13, 2021
When Canadians return from travels abroad, one of the requirements they face is a mandatory stay in a quarantine hotel. The stay is for three days and you have your choice of locations to pick from and we are here to help you with more than just prov...
Why You Should Pre-Book Your Limo Service for Airport
  • April 16, 2020
Travelling for business is more than just reaching point B from point A in the minimum amount of time. It has additional considerations and factors among which are the level of comfort, prestige, and reliability. Those qualities are not something you...
How to Make Sure You Arrive at the Airport on Time and Relaxed
  • April 15, 2020
The trip is planned down to the last detail, and you are ready to go. Suitcases at the door, you go downstairs, pack yourself into the cab or uber car, and set sail with perfect peace of mind. After all, what can be simpler than making a taxi to airp...
Benefits of Using Shuttle Services to Reduce Your Travel Time
  • April 13, 2020
You are done planning your vacation. The flight and hotel are booked, the luggage is all packed and you are almost ready to go… almost. What’s left? Oh, yes! Transportation to the airport is still under question. Unless you are getting a ride fro...
Factors to Consider When You Book a Taxi for Airport
  • March 17, 2020
When you are choosing your means of transportation from or to the airport, there are a few things to keep in mind. Taking them into consideration may make all the difference between an ordeal and a comfortable, low-cost ride. Among your options is pu...
Airport taxi vs Meter taxi. Which one is better?
  • February 24, 2020
When you’re considering a taxi to the airport, there are two ways to go about it. One is a metered taxi ride and the other is a flat-rate airport taxi. There may seem to be good reasons to go with a metered cab, one that will “only” charge ...
How To Avoid Heavy Traffic And Expensive Parking Issues?
  • February 18, 2020
One of the beautiful things of modern life is the ability to jump into your car and take yourself anywhere you want to. Let’s say you need to get to the airport and pick up a relative on the way over for a visit. You decide against taking an ai...
Valuable Tips To Avoid Holdups At The Airport
  • November 25, 2019
There are two kinds of air travellers – those that hate it, and those that love it. Clearly, those who love it have a system worked out to alleviate the frustration and hassle involved in travelling to and from the airport. One pillar of such a sys...
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