Choose the best Toronto Airport Taxi Flat Rate the City Offers!

- June 23, 2015
When you are booking travel to or from an airport you want to know that you are getting the best possible service for the best possible price. The key aspects you need to look in a Toronto airport taxi are reliability, timeliness, understanding of your individual needs and reasonable price. One way to achieve all of these needs is to hire a company that offers a Toronto airport taxi flat rate, high quality vehicles and experienced drivers.
Benefits of a Flat Rate
No matter how experienced the driver is, there are some things that are beyond their control. Unforeseeable difficult weather, traffic accidents, emergency road repair, or even just congestion can slow down your trip and forcibly reroute you. Even the most experienced driver cannot plan for the unexpected, and this means your trip to the airport may be longer in time and distance. These difficulties affect the cost of your journey if you’re paying regular taxi fare, as this is charged per partial kilometer and idling time. If you choose a company that uses a Toronto airport taxi flat rate however, this is something you no longer need to worry about as your rate is set before you even step inside your vehicle. This also gives you upfront knowledge about the cost of your journey, and ensures that you are not charged any unforeseen additional costs.
How Is a Flat Rate Set?
Booking your Toronto airport taxi flat rate couldn’t be simpler; bookings are made online with rates set according to your start and end destinations. Once the basic rate is known, any additional extras can be accounted for and added to the overall cost. Extras that you might want to consider include:
- Requests for a minivan
- Requests for a Limousine or Lincoln rather than a taxi
- Excess luggage
- Requests to carry caged pets
- Waiting time at the airport
- Requests to stop en route
Choosing Your Vehicle
Before you go ahead and make your flat rate booking, you need to decide on the form of transport you need, and want, to make the journey in. Your needs will differ depending on whether you are traveling for business or pleasure, alone or as a group. If you want to arrive at your workplace fresh from the plane and ready to finish an exciting business deal, you may want to consider an executive limousine. Families may need a vehicle with additional space, not just for the extra seating but also for luggage space. A minivan that comes with front facing car seats is perfect for families and groups of up to 6 people. Minivans are also ideal if you have additional needs, particularly wheelchair access.
Make Your Booking
The best way to make your booking and take advantage of the discount flat rate is to book online. However, to do this you need to make sure you have all the details you need to hand. To make your booking, you will need:
• Your flight number
• Your cell phone number
• Passport and boarding pass
Whatever your individual or group needs, choosing a company that provides a Toronto Airport Taxi flat rate will save you money and start or complete your journey in the best possible way. Contact Aeroport taxi and limousine service and book yours today!